How to Train A Poodle Not To Bark

In this article, we are going to talk about why poodles bark, different types of barks, and how to train a Poodle not to bark.

If you are a poodle owner or are interested in adopting a poodle, chances are you really would like to know how to train a poodle not to bark.

For sure you’ve heard the rumors circulating that these dogs bark a lot. This is not really true; all dogs bark as a means of being heard and communicating with others.


Why Do Poodles Bark?

Even if you have not owned a poodle, but you have owned or been part of a family that has a dog, you are aware that dogs have different barks.

A researcher by the name of Feddersen-Petersen used a sonograph to figure out the meanings and functions of various barks.


The First Step of Teaching A Poodle Not To Bark

Let’s now discuss the reasons that dogs bark.

Perhaps the main reason dogs bark is because of their domestication.

We all know that the wolf is the ancestor of our family dog, and less than 3% of all wolf communications are done via barking.

Wolf barking will only occur when in times of defense, dissent, or caution.

Dogs that were bred for certain purposes have a tendency to bark.

A shepherd dog uses barks to get cows and sheep where they need to go, while coonhound bark to let their human hunter companion know that a raccoon or other animal is near.

As domestication happened, it was found that traits found in wolf puppies were retained by adult dogs.

Shorter muzzles, floppy ears, and actions like whining, barking, and submissive behavior were all noted in dogs even as they got older.

Experts disagree on barking. Some say it is due to domestication, while others argue that the social interactions of dogs dictate their barking.

No matter the reason, there are different barks you should know about, which we will discuss now. 


What Types Of Barks Do Poodles Have? 

Part of knowing how to train your poodle how to stop barking is to understand the different barks dogs have, and why they do them.

It can help you understand if your dog is asking for help or just communicating with somebody else. 


Barks That Denote Fear or Worry

  • Barking in a low tone is what happens when your poodle sees something they don’t know about, something new. It is a way of showing caution as they cannot verify if this new thing is safe or dangerous. 


  • A territory bark is very bold and may make those unfamiliar with your dog uncomfortable. This happens as you might have guessed when somebody your dog does not know enters their zone. The barking is repeated and gets more intense as the perceived threat comes closer. You might hear some growls in there also. Tails will wag, but this is out of nervousness.


  • Your poodle feels intimidated and feels that their security is under attack. You, as the owner, can intervene and calm your dog, which will likely make them feel better. Your dog will likely keep doing this because this is their way of getting rid of the threat. For instance, your dog might do this when the UPS driver comes, and keep doing it, because the UPS driver leaves relatively quickly. 


  • Separation anxiety is a real thing for dogs, and they do have a bark that goes along with it. Neighbors or uninformed family members may write the dog off as being ill-behaved or annoying,  but the fact is that they may have separation anxiety. The dog becomes upset or uncomfortable when its owner leaves for work or errands.


  • The dog becomes panicky, may howl sadly, and yelp or whine. They may destroy things by scratching and digging at objects around them and may eliminate in inappropriate spots out of fear. You can get help for a dog with separation anxiety by talking to your vet. 


  • Fear barking is high-pitched and very repetitive. The dog may pace back and forth, . The ears become flat, and some dogs may urinate. Sights smell and sounds may lead to your dog getting very upset and doing these kinds of barks. You can help your dog get over whatever is making them upset by talking to your vet or a professional dog trainer about what to do. 



Good Time Barks

  • A playtime bark is a high-pitched and serial variety. The dog will often accompany this low-intensity bark with the classic pose of bottom in the air and paws outstretched, indicating the pup is ready to play. You will notice tail wags. Dogs will do this with one another and to their humans. , such as watching other dogs play


  • Lastly, let’s discuss Excitement barking. Much like children shriek in delight when something good happens, dogs will do a high-pitched and repetitive bark when happy. The body language of this bark is different from a Fear Bark, and you will notice the wagging tail, spinning in circles, and possibly jumping. Even big dogs become puppy-like when their owner comes home or picks up a favorite toy or ball. 


How To Stop Your Poodle From Barking

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Poodles bark because they want attention, as a means of letting out frustration, or because they feel happy.

There are thankfully easy ways you can help your dog feel better about whatever is making them bark. It’s not so difficult to know How to Train A Poodle Not to Bark.

Let’s get into some tips you can use to keep them quiet. 

  • Block Their Line of Sight. Some poodles bark because they are warning others or due to territorial reasons. You can fix whatever is making your dog nervous by blocking his view. Put up some curtains that block the view, or overlay your window with a film that obstructs the view outside. It’s a cheap and easy way to keep your poodle comforted during the day. You can gradually remove the window film bit by bit until your dog is no longer interested in looking out the window. 


  • Provide Toys. Dogs that are bored or face separation anxiety need to be kept busy during the day. You can provide them toys that give out treats as a means of occupying them while you are away. These are great if you find it is hard to get things done when your dog is around.  For instance, if your dog gets noisy when you start video chatting with somebody, have the toy ready to go. 


  • Praise Good Behaviour. Many times we only pay attention to our dogs if they are acting out, instead of acting like good dogs. If your dog stops barking during moments they typically go crazy, praise the heck out of them. If your dog stays quiet while the UPS driver drops off a box, praise them and offer a treat. Do the same when they stay quiet during a thunderstorm or fireworks show. 


  • Provide Lots of Exercises. Every dog loves to go to the dog park, run around in the yard, or walk on the sidewalk. A dog with all his energy depleted from a good play session will be less likely to bark or seek attention, opting instead for his bed or crate. Allow your dog time to run around and play freely for a good chunk of time, or play games with him indoors like “find the ball” when it’s too rainy to go out. 


  • Use a good program. Your vet can show you some good dog trainers who can help you modify your dog’s behavior.  Some dogs may be so anxious they need medication to calm down. Other dogs just need a good program to follow. We know of one great potty training program go here, and this can eliminate your dog barking because they need to go potty. (A doggy door is a good idea, too!) 


  • Ignore it. Every dog owner knows when their poodle is barking simply because of attention.  Tune out your dog and drive the message home that you won’t be doling out any attention for barks that do not warrant it. If your dog has had adequate food, playtime, potty time, and has a toy to play with, and you are not aware of any medical issues, chances are your dog is just barking for the heck of it. Furthermore, don’t fetch toys that go under the couch or chairs. Your dog should not learn that barking gets him things. 



Thankfully, getting your dog to stop barking is not usually expensive or hard. You have to teach your dog what will get attention and what won’t, and be consistent and fair about it.

As you get to know your poodle, you will know what barks are real and which ones are simply for the sake of getting attention.

Be patient, kind, and consistent, and your poodle absolutely can be trained to stop barking.

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