Why Is My Dog Running Away From Me All Of A Sudden? 

If your dog is running away from you all of a sudden without any clear reason, it is important to investigate why is he doing this.

The possible reasons are that they are bored, want to play, are trying to communicate something, recall a negative experience, are running towards something, are running away from something, or are suffering from illness.


Dog Is Running Away From Me

Let us look at each of the potential causes for behavioral change in a little more depth.


Dog Is Bored

When your dog is bored, they will make their entertainment, and that entertainment often involves mischievous behavior like running away (“doing the zoomies”) each time you approach them.

When dogs are confined for long periods, they often display this behavior when they want to “shake things up” a bit!

The best way to address this situation is to provide your dog with a more stimulating environment.

Consider interactive toys and AI gadgets that can keep your dog engaged even when left alone because you are at work.

Check out these Dog Toys for dealing with boredom…

Dog ToysDog Toys


Dog Running Away Because They Want To Play

When your dog runs from you, it can also be an invitation to play.

For example, if they see you reach to put a toy away in the toy box, your dog may snatch it and run, inviting you to play.

This behavior usually happens when your dog gets over-excited and has the energy to spare!

You can address this situation in one of two ways if you are in a safe, confined area –

  • You can make it a game and chase them.
  • You can sit down on the spot and wait for them to come to you.


The latter option is generally a better choice because chasing your dog as a way of playing with them encourages them to run away from you in the future.

And this is something you may not want if you are trying to put their leash on, for example.


Dog Runs Away From You Because He’s Trying To Communicate Something

When your dog runs from you, it may also be trying to communicate something with you.

For example, your dog may be trying to take you to something they found – like a snake in your garden.

This behavior is something many dog parents joke about as being a “Lassie moment.”

If your dog is trying to communicate something with you when they run away from you, they will run away, and return, run away, and return repetitively to ensure you are following them.

Indulge and follow your dog to see what the fuss is.


They Recall a Negative Experience

Your dog may also run from you because they recall a negative (or unpleasant) experience.

For example, if you accidentally cut the quick when trimming your dog’s nails the last time, they may run when they see you grab the nail clippers this time.

This behavior happens to many dog owners when they say the word b-a-t-h!

If your dog is running from you because they recall something negative, be patient and slowly work with them to overcome their negative association by creating a positive one.

For example, if your dog is afraid of the nail clippers, you might start by leaving them on the floor with a treat beside them so that your dog can investigate without fear.

As your dog gets braver, try holding – but not using – the clippers while offering a treat.

With this baby-step approach, you can help your dog overcome fear and make negative stimuli much less stressful!


They Are Running Towards Something

Your dog may run from you because they are running toward something. For example, your dog may have spotted a dog friend across the dog park!

This behavior is usually a spur-of-the-moment occurrence when a dog cannot control their excitement or joy over the thing they have spotted.

Your dog is no different from you in this type of situation, and assuming you are safe, allow your pup to be happy and enjoy themselves!


Dog Is Running Away From Something

Similarly, your dog may be running from you because they are trying to run away from something.

For example, you may be holding the hand of a neighborhood child who is rambunctious and scares your dog.

This behavior is always the result of something that induces fear or anxiety.

You should approach this situation as you did with the negative experience example we mentioned above.

Spend time to help your dog to overcome fear SLOWLY. Do not chase, punish, or force your dog to face fear head-on, as this will only cause increased panic and distrust in you.


Dog Is Running Away Because He’s Suffering From Illness

Lastly, and most worrisome, your dog may be running from you because they are suffering from illness.

For example, older dogs may develop canine cognitive dysfunction – similar to dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease in humans.

For dogs with CCD, commonplace and familiar things may suddenly feel unusual and threatening.

This behavior is called “sundowning,” the same term used in human patients.

Dogs that run away due to illness are usually experiencing neurological disturbance, distortion in how they see the world, or a pain/fear response.

Call your vet and schedule a physical exam if you suspect your dog is ill.

Your vet will assess your dog based on its symptoms and may perform blood testing, urine or fecal testing, and neurological testing to determine the best course of action.


Conclusion / Summary

Your dog may be running from you for many reasons, but they just want to play in most cases!

That said, it is crucial to discuss any behavioral changes in your dog with their veterinarian just in case they indicate something that needs addressing immediately.

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