How Often Should I Bathe My Dog in Summer?

In the summer, you should bathe your dog about once every three months. In this article we go through this matter in detail…

Whenever summer rolls around, you might be looking forward to a cool shower or a dip in the pool that can bring your temperature down.

Your dog is the same way, and it has a much higher propensity to overheat if you don’t take care of it.


How Often Should I Bathe My Dog in Summer?

In the summer, you should bathe your dog about once every three months. That’s a good number to work with, but you should use your common sense for the matter.

For example, if the dog has been out all day and stinks, you should give it a bath.

Much like humans, it is possible to bathe your dog too much.

Cleaning your skin and hair every day and doing deep cleans on your body can harm the oils that help you retain moisture.

Dogs get the same way, and their fur can be ruined by excessive bathing.

Even though once every three months is common for bathing your dog, there are still a few factors that you need to keep in mind.

Circumstances about your dog might change the bathing timeframe, and here are a few things you need to look out for.


Bathing My Dog – Fur Length and Properties

The longer the fur your dog has, the more likely it is that things get inside the fur.

Dirt, leaves, and other filth can easily find their way into your dog’s locks of hair.

If your dog is covered in thick mangy fur, then it probably needs to be bathed more often than dogs that have shorter fur.

Additionally, if your dog has an oily coat of fur, it needs to be bathed more often to wash those extra oils out.

Other dogs might have water-resistant fur that requires fewer baths to keep them clean.


What Do They Do?

For humans, we generally have a bath or shower when we feel dirty.

That’s almost always after a long day of work, but whenever we stay inside all day, we feel like skipping the shower.

Dogs are the same way, and if they are indoor pets, they can get away without getting cleaned as often.

You still want to keep an eye on your indoor dogs to make sure they don’t smell or have things in their fur that need to be washed out.

If they are clean and aren’t doing above-average physical activity, then they can go for longer between baths.

If you have a dog that compliments your active lifestyle and spends most of its time outdoors, it needs a bath!

You should be able to smell an active dog from a mile away, especially if its activities include rolling around in the yard and getting into things.


Where Should I Bathe My Dog?

Of course, unless you have a dog that loves the water, most four-legged friends are going to resist the idea of getting into a bathtub.

While forcing it into the tub works, especially if it is a smaller dog, in the summer, you should try to bathe it outside.

Not only does bathing outside limit the mess that can be created if your dog decides to leave the tub, but it can make the experience more pleasurable for you both.

The dog should also be distracted by the various sounds and smells of nature, making it easier for you to move around and clean it up.

You just need warm water, a mild dog shampoo, and a towel to get the process started.

Check out this great Dog Shampoo for odor elimination…
Bathe My Dog - Odor Eliminating Dog Shampoo

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Make sure to scrub all over its bodies and get through the fur and into the skin with the shampoo, and thoroughly rinse the animal off afterward.

You can also give it treats for a job well done!


Where Should I Bathe My Dog?


Tips for Effective Dog Bathing

One of the first things you should do is focus on brushing your dog’s hair.

There’s nothing worse than having to brush out matted tangles and knots while dealing with a wet and squirming dog that doesn’t want to sit still.

Make sure its hair is properly brushed and loose before you place it in the tub.

Since you don’t bathe your dog that often, treat every single bath like the first time.

Don’t just cover your dog in soap and water without warning, but instead, start to build up to it.

Run a wet washcloth over its face and neck, soap up a portion of its body, and continually pet and reassure it.

Another tip you need to think about is to use cotton balls to protect your pet’s ears.

Getting water in your dog’s ears is not something you want to do, because it can be very difficult to address.

Not to mention it is very hard to comfort your dog while it goes through the odd sensation.

Use cotton balls and place them in your pet’s ears can help to absorb any water that would otherwise enter.

Have a supply with you so you can keep changing them out through bath time. Be gentle while inserting the cotton balls.

Some dogs might enjoy the bath and the extra attention, while other dogs might want to get it over with as quickly as possible.

Try to assess the mood of your dog as you bathe it and do your best to keep it comfortable.

Finally, at the end of bath time, reward them it treats and maybe a vigorous game of tug of war with the bath towel.

The key is to make bath time not feel like such a punishment for your dog, so have some fun! The dog might even look forward to it after a while!


Don’t Get Too Obsessed with Cleanliness

Even though the scent of your dog can be more noticeable in summer, do not become obsessed with cleaning your four-legged friend.

Most dogs lick themselves clean, and they are animals that are designed to get dirty when they go outside.

Remember that overbathing can cause skin problems for your dog and try to only bathe it whenever it really needs a bath.

Otherwise, leave it to get dirty.


Just Adopt the Right Rhythm

Bath time, especially in the summer, shouldn’t be something that you have to worry about with your dog.

A good bath at the beginning of the summer and one again at the end of the summer is usually enough unless your dog gets very dirty between those times.

Otherwise, you do not really need to worry about bath times with your canine companion.

When you do give it a bath, however, it can be a very fun, wet, and memorable experience.

Every dog owner must be shaken on by a wet dog once right?

Might as well be after a bath.


Can You Clean Dogs Without Water?

Sometimes you don’t have the time or energy to bathe your dog during the summer, and you don’t want to wrestle it into the tub.

Waterless cleaning is something that you can do in a pinch, although it is a temporary measure.

There are wipes specifically made for cleaning a dog and reducing odors and odor-causing bacteria.

Brushes can also be used to give your dog that just-cleaned look, and you can easily remove some of the noticeable bits of grime and debris with it.

It is perfect for touching up your dog before you both hit the dog park!

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