10 Dog Shedding Remedies. The Only True Methods.

In this article we go through the 10 best dog shedding remedies, the seasonality of it, potential shedding problems, causes and what to do about it.


10 Dog Shedding Remedies

Finding fur everywhere in your house is also annoying, as shedding can be a standard process for dogs.

It can be embarrassing and even cause you or your family member an allergic reaction.

This is why you should find a way to control shedding in dogs.

We are going to look at some of the remedies you can use to control the vice.


1. Water

It is essential to ensure that your dog is always hydrated. This is primarily during summer when there is a lot of heat.

This will prevent your dog from developing dry skin as he sheds off the heavier coat.

Dry skin will also promote excessive shedding that may cause wounds on your dog’s body. In addition, you should make sure that your dog stays in a humidified place.

This will also provide your dog with the required moisture to prevent excessive shedding.


2. Regular Brushing

When your dog sheds his fur, he may leave your house dirty. You can minimize the amount of hair he sheds by brushing him regularly.

Your vet will advise about the most appropriate brush based on his fur type.

You can also incorporate brushing with bathing him regularly. Also, make sure you select a good shampoo.

Sometimes your dog might be allergic to the shampoo and shed more.

Thus, it is essential to consult your vet. It is advisable to bathe your dog regularly but not every day.


3. Healthy diet

Poor diet is among the leading causes of shedding in dogs. As mentioned earlier, we often result in buying processed foods for our dogs.

However, cheap food of low quality will leave your dog malnourished, leading to excessive and unnecessary shedding.

Once you observe unusual shedding, you may consider changing his diet to high-quality or even homemade foods.

However, ensure that you include digestible ingredients in your pup’s food. In addition, wet foods are appropriate for your dog.

This will also provide extra moisture needed to prevent dry skin.


4. Vacuum the house

Depending on your dog’s breed, the amount of fur he sheds will vary from one dog to another. Sometimes you cannot prevent shedding in dogs as it is only natural.

Therefore, you will need ways to make your house hair-free. You may consider getting a vacuum to remove all the hairs and dust from your carpet and furniture.

Alternatively, you may consider buying covers for your furniture, especially when your dog is shedding due to seasonal changes.

This will help you control the hairs from getting stuck on your table.


5. Control parasites

If the cause of your dog shedding is because of fleas and ticks, you should start by controlling the parasites.

There are several methods for controlling fleas and ticks in dogs. You should always ensure your dog is free of ticks and fleas.

You can control and heal flea bites from home using various methods. However, it would help if you made sure you were aware of your dog’s health history and possible allergies.

This is because some home remedies for fleas and ticks may include ingredients your dog is allergic to.

Vinegar, peppermint oil, and other essential oils are important in controlling fleas and other parasites that may cause shedding.


6. Regular bathing frequency

Bathing our dogs is an essential aspect of hygiene and grooming. However, it would help if you kept these bathes regularly to prevent excessive shedding.

For instance, if you bathe him weekly on Wednesday, it should remain to avoid inconsistency.

It is also advisable to use the right kind of shampoo to bathe your dog.

This will ensure that your dog has a healthy coat and skin underneath.


7. Air Purifier

As discussed earlier, it is not every time that we will be able to control shedding in our dogs. This is because it is sometimes initiated by nature.

Therefore, an air purifier helps prevent shedding in the house. It is essential if you or your family members suffer from fur allergies.

An air purifier will keep your house fresh and pure air.


8. Omega 3 fatty acids supplements

It would help if you considered adding fish oil supplements to your dog’s diet. These supplements will help keep your dog’s skin smooth and free of irritation during shedding.

They will also affect the texture and quality of your dog’s fur.

However, it is essential to consult your vet about the best supplements to go for. It will also enhance your dog’s overall health.


9. Regular grooming

Grooming is necessary for dogs, especially for those that barely shed. This is because the hair grows longer instead of shedding during winter.

It is your job to groom him, or else loose-end inches will fall off.

Grooming will also effectively eliminate fleas that may reside in unkempt hairs.


10. Always brush your dog after drying

We have already discussed cleanliness’s importance in solving the shedding problem. It is important to remember to brush your dog after bather and drying.

This will eliminate weak hairs, which will minimize shedding around the house.

It is only natural for your dog to shed hair, but it could also indicate illnesses. However, this will be accompanied by several other symptoms.

We are going to briefly look at some health concerns that are characterized by dog shedding hair.

We will also include when and why you should be worried about dog shedding hair.

A Dog shedding hair is a healthy and natural way of your dog’s life.

However, this usually depends on various factors, including your dog’s breed and health history – the weather and environment where your dog lives are also common determinants of the reasons for shedding.

Let us briefly go through these factors and other causes of dogs shedding hair.


Seasonal Changes

Seasonal changes are the main reason for dogs shedding hair. It will happen yearly, as your dog needs it for protection.

For instance, your dog will clear twice yearly, especially before and after summer and winter.

This is usually because dogs need insulation to protect them from the heat or extreme cold.

During spring, your dog may shed his heavy coat of fur to grow lighter skin for summer. This light coat will remain all summer, cooling your dog’s body off.

As winter approaches, your dog will shed a more lightweight jacket as he grows thicker and heavier.

This will protect him from the harsh cold of the season.


The Health Of Your Dog

It is essential to always take care of your dog, which means regular visits to the vet’s office.

As much as shedding is normal, excessive shedding is not. It might be an indication that your dog is ill.

But before you panic, you should understand some health complications that may cause fur shedding in dogs.

Poor dieting is one of the common reasons why dogs shed excessive hair. The food quality you give your dog determines your dog’s health.

Even though dog food is completely safe, cheap dog food is not suitable for your dog’s health.

This is also dependent on the breed of your dog as well as possible allergies.

Using inappropriate shampoo can also result in hair shedding. Like human hair, your dog’s fur can be affected by the type of shampoo you use to bathe him.

If you have ruled out the possibility of a poor diet, you may check your dog’s shampoo. You can stop using it for a few days and observe if your dog stops shedding fur.

It is also advisable to ensure that you rinse your dog well after using shampoo to bathe him.


Fleas And Ticks

Fleas and ticks can also result in itching, which will cause fur shedding. Dog owners should always ensure their dogs are protected from pests and parasites.

In addition, this can also lead to other skin-related health problems. It would help if you treated fleas as regularly as possible to protect your pup.

Stress can also cause loss of hair in dogs. There are so many ways your dog can cope with stress.

However, if your dog has been stressed for a long time, he may start shedding off his fur. It would help if you took him to a vet for a proper checkup.

Increasing playtime and exercise is an effective way to deal with stress in dogs. Dogs that also stay indoors may not shed as much as outdoors dogs.


Dog Shedding a Lot Of Furs – Time To Worry?

This is a common question among dog owners. Excessive shedding of fur indicates a health concern or nutritional needs.

In some cases, it may represent a severe condition if other symptoms accompany it.

Some of these health concerns include:

a) Diabetes

Diabetes in dogs can be disabling if not treated on time. This can lead to more shedding than usual, with other symptoms including frequent urination.

This will lead to your dog needing to drink more water than usual.

It is essential to look out for other symptoms like the sudden loss of appetite and weight loss. Your dog may also appear slow and not interested in exercise or play.

If you notice these symptoms, you should take your dog to your vet as soon as possible.

Although diabetes is quite dangerous, it is manageable. Your vet will conduct a complete examination and develop a conclusive diagnosis.

You will then be able to learn how to manage the condition.


b) Thyroid Disease

Shedding can also be associated with thyroid disease. However, it would help if you let the vet determine whether his shedding is related.

Thyroid disease affects your dog’s organs, making him weak. Other symptoms may include exercise intolerance, general body weakness, and loss of appetite.

If left untreated, thyroid disease can be disabling as well. It is mainly associated with older dogs than with puppies.

Other symptoms may include obesity and cold intolerance.

If your dog’s shedding is unrelated to seasonal changes or environmental factors, you should consider taking him to a vet’s office.


c) Acute allergies

Allergies are pretty common and will cause your dog to shed hair sometimes. Usually, you do not have to worry about it as long as you stop using the same shampoo.

Most cases, your dog will not require medical attention after changing the product.

However, sometimes your dog may not stop shedding after discontinuing the use of the product. You will need to take him to your vet for treatment.

You must do so if you continue clearing even after finishing the product.


d) Hormonal imbalance

Like humans, dogs can also suffer a hormonal imbalance. This may cause shedding, which can be alarming.

Sex hormone imbalance is a significant reason for excessive shedding in dogs. However, your vet can advise you about the best treatment method.


e) Tumors

Not to cause alarm but shedding hair is a common symptom of a tumor in your dog’s body.

This, however, will be accompanied by other symptoms such as vomiting, loss of appetite, and exercise intolerance.

Your dog might also grow weaker by the day.

You should have your vet check-up on your dog if you notice these symptoms.

Your vet will be able to offer the best ways to treat your dog in case he has tumors.


Our Final Thoughts

Even though shedding is a normal process for dogs, we should be able to recognize the excessive loss of hair.

The methods discussed in this article should be able to help you deal with shedding. It is essential to protect you and your family from possible fur allergies when your dog is shedding.

Therefore, you should make a point of controlling the shedding.

It is also essential to understand that you should check with your vet if other symptoms accompany shedding.

You will leave your dog feeling happy and fresh by controlling shedding and ensuring he does not have excessive hair.

Bathing and brushing are recommended for dogs that shed the most. You should also groom your dog, especially if he does not shed.

I hope the dog shedding remedies discussed in this article are helpful. Keep your dog healthy and happy!

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