Are Pomeranians Easy To Train?

Like any dog, the Pomeranians can be easy to train if you take the right approach to training.

For the Pomeranian, this means simple commands, consistency, and positive reinforcement.


The Pomeranian Personality

How easy a dog is to train depends on its personality, and while every dog has a unique personality, certain traits are common among each breed.

The Pomeranians are known for being:

  • Intelligent
  • Feisty
  • Curios
  • Bold
  • Loyal
  • Perky
  • Stubborn
  • Being Larger than Life
  • Energetic
  • Confident
  • Bossy


For the easiest training experience with any dog, you must ensure that you begin to work with them early and socialize them properly.

The more you familiarize your Pomeranian, the better they will be, and a well-adjusted dog is much easier to train than a fearful or reactive dog.


Are Pomeranians Easy to Train?

The easiest way to train the Pomeranian is to use simple commands, training consistency, and positive reinforcement.

Check out this amazing training method for dogs that will change your dog’s brain forever… in a very positive way.

Simple Commands

Simple commands are short commands associated with just one action – for example, “sit”.

Do not combine multiple words either, for example, “sit down” instead of “sit” – you can see how this would become a problem when you introduce the “down” command!


Consistency is crucial for any dog when it comes to training.

What does consistency mean in a training set?

It means:

Using the same command for the same action EVERY time

Using different obedience commands for the same action creates confusion for your dog and gives them more to learn.

For example, does *this* mean sit, or does “this” mean sit?

Pick one word and stick to it!


Enforce Commands

When you ask your dog to perform a command, make sure that they follow through.

If your dog is unsure what to do, demonstrate the obedience command again!

Please do not give them an obedience command and let it go unheeded, or you are telling your dog that it is okay for them to ignore your obedience commands.

Do NOT enforce commands with punishment or negative reinforcement of any kind -you do not want to associate training with punishment!

If your dog ignores an obedience command, get their attention, and show them what you want.

If your dog does the wrong thing on your order, praise their action (for example, “good down!”) and do a refresher on the obedience command that went ignored.


Make Sure Everyone In The House Is On The Same Page

When teaching your dog obedience commands, everyone in the house must be on board.

For example, if you are leading “no” when your dog begs at the dinner table, ensure that the rest of the family continues this example.

Most importantly, when teaching obedience commands, ensure no one contradicts the orders you are teaching, or you will confuse your dog!


Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is crucial when training any dog because it creates an association between training commands and something your dog finds enjoyable!

For example, if your dog knows they will get a treat when they sit after you ask them to “sit,” that motivates them to do it!

It is essential to know what drives your dog when using positive reinforcement.

For example, some dogs are food-driven, whereas others are praise or toy-oriented. Use what works for your dog!


Starting Training With Pomeranians

Start with the simple commands when you begin training your Pomeranian (or any dog).

Simple commands include:

  • Sit
  • Down
  • Come
  • Stay
  • Heel
  • Wait
  • No
  • Go Potty
  • Release (this is a command that lets your dog know that it is “okay” to do something)


Pick one of these commands at a time and work with your dog until they have mastered it.

Only once your dog masters one command should you move on to the second, but be sure to stick with one obedience command per training session.

Once Pomeranians master the second command, your second training session should begin with practicing the first command to ensure that your dog stills recall the previous lesson.

If your dog needs more practice, use the second lesson to reinforce the first command.

If your dog has mastered their first command, use this second lesson to teach the second command.

Continue this type of schedule until your dog has mastered their basic commands.

When not doing a training session, practice all the obedience commands your dog has learned.


Advanced Commands

Once your Pomeranian has mastered its basic commands, you can move on to the more advanced obedience commands.

More advanced obedience commands include:

  • Leave It
  • Go
  • Up
  • Down
  • Left
  • Right
  • Give it
  • Tricks (Shake, rollover, etc.)
  • Find it
  • Catch
  • Hush
  • Look at me


Teach these commands in the same way that you taught basic commands.

Since these are more complicated concepts, give your pup more time to learn each obedience command.


A Note on Training

Try to use a hand signal with each obedience command. Try to use a hand signal with each obedience command.

Try to use a hand signal with each obedience command. Try to use a hand signal with each obedience command.

Try to use a hand signal with each obedience command when teaching your Pomeranian commands.

Hand signals are an excellent way to reinforce commands when you are in a situation where it is hard to hear.

Hand signals are also beneficial for when your dog grows older and may start to lose hearing.

In this incident, you will have already cemented the command and hand signal in your dog’s vocabulary, making the adjustment much easier for them.


Conclusion / Summary

Pomeranians are easy to train if you start with simple commands, consistency, and positive reinforcement.

You must remember, though, that dogs are individuals, and their personalities, too, can play a role in how easy it is to train them.

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