Do Pomeranians Bark A Lot?

Yes, Pomeranians bark a lot! This little pup is quick to suspicion and eager to sound the alarm!

Most small dogs have a reputation for barking a lot – in the case of the Pomeranian; this reputation can be well-deserved.



The Pomeranian is a feisty companion breed that takes well to training and makes a great family pet.

Pomeranians quickly spot a potential threat and sound the alarm, making them the perfect watchdogs – particularly in smaller spaces!


Do Pomeranians Bark A Lot?

Although they are the perfect size for smaller spaces, Pomeranians do not always make the best addition to families living in apartment buildings because they can be problem barkers.


Tips to Cope With Problem Barking

If you are already experiencing problems barking with your Pomeranian, know that you are not alone, and there are some things that you can do to manage this bad habit.


Nip It In the Bud

One of the best things you can do if your Pomeranian is a problem barker is to address their behavior as soon as you notice it!

The longer you allow problem behavior to continue, the more confused your dog will be when you correct them.

To address problem barking, the best thing that you can do is distract your dog from whatever is making them bark.

For example, if your dog is barking at a squirrel, you might draw their attention to that squirrel by playing with their favorite toy.


Tire Your Dog Out!

If your dog is a problem barking during the day and bothering your neighbors when you are at work, it can help to tire your dog out before you go to work. Go for a nice long walk first thing in the morning, and you will find that your dog will get so tired that it will sleep most of the time you are at work!


Try Doggy Daycare

Another way to deal with the problematic daytime barking and your Pomeranian is to give doggy daycare a try!

Doggy daycare will help your dog get out all their energy while giving them a chance to socialize with other dogs.

After a full day of doggy daycare, you may find that your pup is so tired that they sleep for two or three days!


Use Interactive Toys/Gadgets

Many new gadgets and electronics are on the market today that allow you to engage with your dog even when you are at work.

Check out these Dog Toys for making your Dog busy…

Pomeranians Bark a lot - Use Dog ToysDog Toys

For example, they may let you talk directly to your pet through the intercom, reward them with treats, or even play a game of fetch!


Consult a Behavioral Trainer

If your Pomeranian is a problem barker and you are struggling to manage their behavior, the best thing you can do is call in a professional trainer.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for help when you need to; in this case, your neighbors will certainly appreciate it!


What to Look For When Hiring a Dog Trainer

When hiring a behavioral trainer for your dog, make sure that you hire a reputable one.

When screening potential trainers for your problem barker, we suggest doing the following:

  • Look through public ratings on review websites and pay attention to trainers with positive reviews from confirmed clients.
  • Interview possible trainers to get a personal feel for their personality and training style. An interview can also help you determine whether you feel comfortable with the trainer.
  • Ask if you can meet a previous client to ask their opinion on how effective the trainer’s training methods are.
  • Find out what their credentials are! Yes, dog training professionals have credentials too!
  • Ask about their training methods. Dogs learn best through positive reinforcement and should never be subjected to punishment or pain. Avoid any trainer that relies on choke collars, prong collars, shock collars, that use physical punishment or force, or who trains using complete submission or domination concepts.
  • Find out whether they have age regulations, specific class requirements, or vaccination record requirements for your dog before they accept you as a client.


Red Flags To Watch For When Hiring a Dog Trainer

When screening a trainer to help you with your problem barker, there are some red flags that you should be aware of.

If you notice any red flags when talking to a trainer, politely end the interview and move on to another potential candidate.

  • Any trainer that believes in forcing dogs to face up to their fears by “throwing them into the deep end.”
  • Any trainer causes dogs to cringe when they speak or pass by.
  • A dog trainer with no credentials or experience to speak of.
  • A trainer who does not carry insurance.
  • A trainer unwilling to discuss their previous positions or provide references at earlier employers/clients.
  • Any trainer that relies on harmful reinforcement tools like prong collars as part of their “training method.”
  • A trainer who does not require you to be part of the training process. Even dogs that go through Bootcamp have multiple sessions built into their training package so their owner can learn how to use the new commands at home.
  • ANYTHING that makes you feel uncomfortable or gives you the impression that your dog will not thrive in a trainer’s training style.


Conclusion / Summary

The Pomeranian is a small and feisty breed with a vigilant eye and hair-trigger bark; this combination of traits means that the Pomeranian is not always the ideal apartment dog!

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