How Can I Reduce Dog Allergens At Home?

If you or a family member are allergic to dogs but still want to share your home with a canine companion, there are several strategies you can use to reduce dog allergens at home.


10 Ways To Reduce Dog Allergens At Home

The below 10 strategies should be taken into consideration, even if you owe a hypoallergenic dog.


1. Regular Cleaning

Vacuum your home frequently using a vacuum with a HEPA filter to capture dander. Regularly clean surfaces like countertops, furniture, and floors where dander can accumulate.


2. Air Purifiers

Use air purifiers with HEPA filters in rooms where you spend a lot of time. These purifiers are great to remove allergens from the air.


3. Limit Access

Keep the dog out of certain rooms, like bedrooms, to create “allergen-free” zones.


4. Regular Grooming To Reduce Dog Allergens

Bathe and groom your dog regularly to reduce the amount of dander and hair it sheds.

However, be careful not to bathe your dog too frequently as it can dry out their skin, leading to more dander.

This self-cleaning brush is perfect for the job…

Reducing Dog Allergens - The Hertzko Self Cleaning Slicker BrushSee on Amazon


5. Wash Bedding

Regularly wash your dog’s bedding and any other fabric items it frequently comes into contact with, like throw rugs and blankets.


6. Hand Washing

Wash your hands after petting your dog or handling its toys or bedding.


7. Dander-Reducing Products

This is a good one. If you search around, there are certain sprays and shampoos available that can help to neutralize allergens. You can find them on amazon.


8. Reducing Dog Allergens With Healthy Diet

A healthy diet can improve a dog’s skin health, potentially reducing dander.


9. No Licking Policy

Discourage your dog from licking people, as dog saliva can also cause allergic reactions.


10. Regular Vet Visits

Regular check-ups can ensure your dog is healthy and not producing excess dander due to an underlying health issue.

Of course, it goes without saying that one of the most important things to do from the get go is to check with your doctor if you or a family member has severe allergies.

They can provide advice tailored to your specific situation and may recommend treatments like allergy shots.

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